Easy Money
The third book in the Joe Beck Series.
Unlicensed outlaw private eye Joe Beck is in a snowy Detroit, Michigan, hot on the trail of a murderous drug dealer wanted by the U.S. Marshals. He witnesses an unrelated murder on a deserted main street and deals with it in the way he does best.
But his actions don’t go unnoticed.
A woman witnesses what he does. A pressing problem weighing heavily on her mind and seeing him as the only viable solution, she approaches him on the street and makes him an offer he can’t refuse.
What’s the offer? What does it involve? What will Joe Beck be thrust head-first into?
“Another great crime thriller! Was hooked right from the very start and absolutely loved the end. Give us more Joe Becks! I highly recommend it”
Amazon Crime Reader
Publication & Copyright Information
This book is exclusive to Amazon Kindle. ASIN: B083NFJWVB. Published by Ablaze Books in January 2020
Easy Money is held copyright © by Alastair Brown as at its respective creation date. All rights reserved. It, or parts thereof, may not be reproduced, scanned, or distributed in any form without permission. Anyone who displays, reproduces, copies, creates derivative works, or sells textual, photographic, video, audiovisual programs or other content related to this creative work/publication for commercial or non-commercial purposes without permission violates intellectual property laws and is liable for infringement of intellectual property rights.
Easy Money is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents either are a product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, actual business establishments, actual events, or actual locales is entirely coincidental. The author acknowledges the trademarked status and trademark owners of various products, brands, establishments, and institutions referenced within this creative work/publication.